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Port City Hard Way - 1/16/2024

TeamWin %GamesWinsLosses
Division: A
Shooters 3186.715132
Moscow Moose 515080.015123
Shooters 8008566.715105
Moscow Moose 24753.31587
Shooters 18253.31587
Sports Edition 5012753.31587
Sports Edition 00746.71578
Zoo 3346.71578
Shooters 1333.315510
Zoo 9820.015312
Strike And Spare 1213.315213
Huddle 1510.0000

Cricket / 200 games, sorted by MPR:

Kurt SchurmanSports Edition 501274.333111021011
Ron BrownMoscow Moose 2473.793100000201
Jason ElderShooters 313.543030002200
Russell VincentSports Edition 0073.363011022000
Doug BeckMoscow Moose 51503.223020000200
Gary ThompsonMoscow Moose 51503.183020021000
Matt BoyerZoo 983.113010010001
June SextonMoscow Moose 51503.103110020100
Brittney LangeZoo 333.003020020100
Caton HumeShooters 133.003010021000
Scott ParsonsSports Edition 0072.893100011000
Jim RobertsZoo 332.813110021000
Kaity GastinShooters 800852.783110000100
Kirk FryeZoo 982.753010010000
Brad Leeper{Substitutes}2.743110020100
Tawanna BolesShooters 800852.563020020000
Michelle HumeShooters 132.503100011000
Larry ReynoldsZoo 982.453100010000
Sam MckeeShooters 800852.363110010100
Ryan VincentSports Edition 0072.343010010000
Caleb SteeleShooters 132.333010010000
Jeremy KrewerMoscow Moose 2472.303010000000
Dalton RomeroShooters 312.193210020000
Matt MackSports Edition 501272.163110000000
Tasha BardenZoo 332.003020020000
Josh GreggShooters 132.003010000000
Ray Vincent{Substitutes}1.913010020000
Laura FryeZoo 981.903010000000
Angela SchurmanSports Edition 501271.893020000000
Evelyn CarterShooters 800851.893020001000
Misty HauntzStrike And Spare 121.853000001000
Georgia BeckMoscow Moose 51501.853110010000
Kelli ChandlerStrike And Spare 121.773000001000
Jose OrtizShooters 311.643120000000
Kevin JohnstonMoscow Moose 2471.603010000000
Stephanie CochraneMoscow Moose 2471.553010010000
Emma ThompsonSports Edition 501271.453020000000
Jackie SeubertShooters 311.313030000000
Ernie ChandlerStrike And Spare 121.153000000000
Jeff HauntzStrike And Spare 121.003000000000

All X01 games, sorted by PPD:

Kurt SchurmanSports Edition 5012734.79551124000100
Russell VincentSports Edition 00728.5825181000000
Sam MckeeShooters 8008527.3425073000000
Gary ThompsonMoscow Moose 515027.0945084000000
Doug BeckMoscow Moose 515025.68350111000000
Caton HumeShooters 1325.6425051000000
Larry ReynoldsZoo 9824.9115061000000
Caleb SteeleShooters 1323.7925083000000
Brad Leeper{Substitutes}23.6425072000000
Tawanna BolesShooters 8008523.0635070000000
Jason ElderShooters 3122.7745053000000
Jeremy KrewerMoscow Moose 24722.5735070000000
Matt BoyerZoo 9822.3715081000000
Ron BrownMoscow Moose 24722.19250110000000
Scott ParsonsSports Edition 00722.1925043000000
Jose OrtizShooters 3121.3335062000000
Matt MackSports Edition 5012721.2215071000000
Kaity GastinShooters 8008521.1925080000000
Ryan VincentSports Edition 00720.8915040000000
Georgia BeckMoscow Moose 515020.7725120000000
Michelle HumeShooters 1320.4805040000000
Dalton RomeroShooters 3120.4735042000000
Evelyn CarterShooters 8008520.0915031000000
Kevin JohnstonMoscow Moose 24719.8405060000000
Jackie SeubertShooters 3119.8305031000000
Josh GreggShooters 1319.7405040000000
Tasha BardenZoo 3319.3135031000000
Misty HauntzStrike And Spare 1219.0005040000000
Jim RobertsZoo 3318.4905020000000
Laura FryeZoo 9817.8305011000000
Angela SchurmanSports Edition 5012717.6405040000000
Jeff HauntzStrike And Spare 1217.2805020000000
Brittney LangeZoo 3317.2805041000000
Kelli ChandlerStrike And Spare 1217.2415020000000
Ray Vincent{Substitutes}17.0615022000000
Emma ThompsonSports Edition 5012716.5805020000000
Kirk FryeZoo 9816.4205020000000
Stephanie CochraneMoscow Moose 24716.3025030000000
Ernie ChandlerStrike And Spare 1215.3115010000000
June SextonMoscow Moose 515013.4715000000000

Port City Hard Way Out Schedule


If You're Viewing This on a Mobile Phone

You may find it easier to view the standings and schedule by rotating your phone into landscape mode.


Port City Hard Way - Player Dues $10.00 - Game Time 7:30pm

  Shooters 13Shooters 80085Shooters 
  Shooters 182BYEBYE 
  Moscow Moose 5150Zoo 98Moose Lodge 871 
  Sports Edition 007Sports Edition 50127Sports Edition 
  Zoo 33Moscow Moose 247Zoo 
  Huddle 151Shooters 187Huddle Tavern 
  Strike And Spare 12Shooters 31Strike And Spare 
  Strike And Spare 12Shooters 80085Strike And Spare 
  Shooters 31Huddle 151Shooters 
  Shooters 187Zoo 33Shooters 
  Moscow Moose 247Sports Edition 007Moose Lodge 871 
  Sports Edition 50127Moscow Moose 5150Sports Edition 
  Zoo 98Shooters 182Zoo 
  BYEShooters 13BYE 
  Shooters 80085BYEBYE 
  Shooters 13Zoo 98Shooters 
  Shooters 182Sports Edition 50127Shooters 
  Moscow Moose 5150Moscow Moose 247Moose Lodge 871 
  Sports Edition 007Shooters 187Sports Edition 
  Zoo 33Shooters 31Zoo 
  Huddle 151Strike And Spare 12Huddle Tavern 
  Huddle 151Shooters 80085Huddle Tavern 
  Strike And Spare 12Zoo 33Strike And Spare 
  Shooters 31Sports Edition 007Shooters 
  Shooters 187Moscow Moose 5150Shooters 
  Moscow Moose 247Shooters 182Moose Lodge 871 
  Sports Edition 50127Shooters 13Sports Edition 
  Zoo 98BYEBYE 
  Shooters 80085Zoo 98Shooters 
  BYESports Edition 50127BYE 
  Shooters 13Moscow Moose 247Shooters 
  Shooters 182Shooters 187Shooters 
  Moscow Moose 5150Shooters 31Moose Lodge 871 
  Sports Edition 007Strike And Spare 12Sports Edition 
  Zoo 33Huddle 151Zoo 
  Zoo 33Shooters 80085Zoo 
  Huddle 151Sports Edition 007Huddle Tavern 
  Strike And Spare 12Moscow Moose 5150Strike And Spare 
  Shooters 31Shooters 182Shooters 
  Shooters 187Shooters 13Shooters 
  Moscow Moose 247BYEBYE 
  Sports Edition 50127Zoo 98Sports Edition 
  Shooters 80085Sports Edition 50127Shooters 
  Zoo 98Moscow Moose 247Zoo 
  BYEShooters 187BYE 
  Shooters 13Shooters 31Shooters 
  Shooters 182Strike And Spare 12Shooters 
  Moscow Moose 5150Huddle 151Moose Lodge 871 
  Sports Edition 007Zoo 33Sports Edition 
  Sports Edition 007Shooters 80085Sports Edition 
  Zoo 33Moscow Moose 5150Zoo 
  Huddle 151Shooters 182Huddle Tavern 
  Strike And Spare 12Shooters 13Strike And Spare 
  Shooters 31BYEBYE 
  Shooters 187Zoo 98Shooters 
  Moscow Moose 247Sports Edition 50127Moose Lodge 871 
  Shooters 80085Moscow Moose 247Shooters 
  Sports Edition 50127Shooters 187Sports Edition 
  Zoo 98Shooters 31Zoo 
  BYEStrike And Spare 12BYE 
  Shooters 13Huddle 151Shooters 
  Shooters 182Zoo 33Shooters 
  Moscow Moose 5150Sports Edition 007Moose Lodge 871 
  Moscow Moose 5150Shooters 80085Moose Lodge 871 
  Sports Edition 007Shooters 182Sports Edition 
  Zoo 33Shooters 13Zoo 
  Huddle 151BYEBYE 
  Strike And Spare 12Zoo 98Strike And Spare 
  Shooters 31Sports Edition 50127Shooters 
  Shooters 187Moscow Moose 247Shooters 
  Shooters 80085Shooters 187Shooters 
  Moscow Moose 247Shooters 31Moose Lodge 871 
  Sports Edition 50127Strike And Spare 12Sports Edition 
  Zoo 98Huddle 151Zoo 
  BYEZoo 33BYE 
  Shooters 13Sports Edition 007Shooters 
  Shooters 182Moscow Moose 5150Shooters 
  Shooters 182Shooters 80085Shooters 
  Moscow Moose 5150Shooters 13Moose Lodge 871 
  Sports Edition 007BYEBYE 
  Zoo 33Zoo 98Zoo 
  Huddle 151Sports Edition 50127Huddle Tavern 
  Strike And Spare 12Moscow Moose 247Strike And Spare 
  Shooters 31Shooters 187Shooters 
  Shooters 80085Shooters 31Shooters 
  Shooters 187Strike And Spare 12Shooters 
  Moscow Moose 247Huddle 151Moose Lodge 871 
  Sports Edition 50127Zoo 33Sports Edition 
  Zoo 98Sports Edition 007Zoo 
  BYEMoscow Moose 5150BYE 
  Shooters 13Shooters 182Shooters 
  Shooters 80085Shooters 13Shooters 
  BYEShooters 182BYE 
  Zoo 98Moscow Moose 5150Zoo 
  Sports Edition 50127Sports Edition 007Sports Edition 
  Moscow Moose 247Zoo 33Moose Lodge 871 
  Shooters 187Huddle 151Shooters 
  Shooters 31Strike And Spare 12Shooters 
  Shooters 80085Strike And Spare 12Shooters 
  Huddle 151Shooters 31Huddle Tavern 
  Zoo 33Shooters 187Zoo 
  Sports Edition 007Moscow Moose 247Sports Edition 
  Moscow Moose 5150Sports Edition 50127Moose Lodge 871 
  Shooters 182Zoo 98Shooters 
  Shooters 13BYEBYE